Video Game Fanon Wiki

 Bald Guy vs MAD: Reekin Havoc is a upcoming fighting game to be released by WB Games in Febuary.


There are 20 characters for each side, plus 3 guest characters for each side. The Gameplay is related to the Marvel vs. Capcom series, but also have assist characters, and will be 4-on-4. 


Bald Guy MAD Sketch (IF MAD) Guest Characters
The Captain Optimus Prime TransBOREmores Blu and Jewel
Gillian Megatron TransBOREmores Red Bird
Captain Sin Po Are You Karate Kidding Me? King Pig
David Lord Shen Kung Fu Blander Superman
La Pew Blu RiOa Johnny Bravo
Tin Man Lion-LOL ThunderLOLcats Samurai Jack
Sinalot Troll-Ra ThunderLOLcats
The Penguins of Issachar Tomb (Giant Character) Rejected Video Games
Jabberjaws Snott Pilgrim Snott Pilgrim vs TWWOD
Peter Pan White and Black Spies MAD
Captain Hook Dr. Doom F.I.E.N.D.S
Herman and Grandpa Buzz Lightyear The Buzz Identity
Felix Mario Various
The Grinch The Average'ers The Average'ers
Thelma Real Veal Real Veal
Amelia Buildtron (Giant Chracter) Destroy, Bob the Builder, Destory!
Cleopatra ArTHOR arTHOR
Grinchie TaunTaun The Adventures of TaunTaun
Dr. Jones Boba Fett The Adventures of TaunTaun
Drexel Winter Dolphineas and Ferb Tale
Bald Guy MAD Sketch (IF MAD)
Lilly My Little PWNY My Little PWNY
Lillian Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Suspect
Carlos Yu-Gi Bear Yu-Gi Bear
The Christmas Trees Robotic Surgeon Grey's in Anime
Al Capone The Robots Maximum Security Diary Vault
Wolfie Click Rejected Transformers
The Spidermonkeys Creepers ThunderLOLcats and Criminal Minecraft
King Louie Angry Birds Kung Fu Blander
Chrome Cannon Your Uncle Hank Rejected Pokemon
Eddie Palpatine Star Wars: The Groan Wars
Robyn Hood Voltron Voltron Batteries
Who 1 Attorney with a Booger Attorney with a Booger


A XL version of the game will be released for the same consoles June 1, 2013. It will have new chracters:

